Category: Hanga | Create

how to keep safe when online! and what not to do.

Kia Ora, My name is Ryder

How to be safe online if someone says something mean to you ask a adulit or take a photo of it then delete.

on eny game like roblox, bedwars and more. that one ways to keep your self safe but rememder to take a photo.

But it is ok if it ia family like Cusins Mom Dad and Sister. And enyone you trust.


This is what not to do dont delete the photo before takeing a photo or you wont have evedents if someone was wanting to take your akount or the adulit wont now whatyour talking about and say i dont see enything.



And thats how to keep safe online.


In Hauraki today we had a novel to read and my novel is Cool and my auther is Michael Morpurgo.


Robbie the main charcter he got hit by a car then was in a coma he thought his dog lucky got hit by a car to but he jummped over a fence. when he was in the coma he could not move anything in  his body. he could hear other poeple but they couldn’tt hear him. The doctor came in then said there is only one person a loud at a time the littlie sister was scared for Robbie. After the the dad came in and had a book in his had it was Robbie’s favourite book so his dad started to read it when he finished he started to cry and said I am sorry I wasn there for you but it is just i got fiered and your mom was mad at me so i had to leave. but then ROddies techer came inn and sied we have a song for you and evry one has something to say to you. the song was what we were all doing for a fun thing in class Roddie new it really well so he sang along. When the song was finished evry one sied there part. when Roddies class left luvky came in the dog he startednto lick roddie like CRAZY then RODDIE wock up evry one was cring, the end.

all the poeple in the story is mom dad and little sister dog lucky and Roddie bocter techer class.


We had a slidshow to complete-one task was creating a pougle drow

Summer learning Journey, My Red Nose Reindeer.

Hello my name is Ryder and I am 9 years old and this is my red noes reindeer. What I like about it is that it has a red glowing nose and the lights on it are shiny like the stars in the sky at night time. My reindeer lives in the north pole and he is 22 years old, his name is Rudolph, that was easy right? Here is one fact about Christmas

  1. Christmas is a Christian festival that celebrates the birth of Jesus Christ, who Christians believe was the son of God. For most people, it takes place every year on 25 December – the day that the Roman Catholic Church chose to mark Jesus’ birthday. But, in fact, no one actually knows the exact date Jesus was born i hop you liked my poster by.

museum trip

On Thursday our class went to the Auckland Museum. We were learning about volcanoes.

I learnt that Rangitoto is 600 hundred years old.

My favourite part was when we put the stuff in the bag because we were pretending that we were in red zone and we just shoved the stuff in.


Athletics day

On Monday it was athletics day at school. We had activities like high jump, long jump, shot put and sprints. My favourite one was sprints because I was able to get faster. but i still want to get better at running.

koru art

Last week was Maori Language Week. We made some koru art. We had to use warm colours and cool colours.

I liked that we could use lots of colours.

Next time I would make the colours lighter.

Lego Tower

Here are my group’s Lego tower. We had to build a tower and then  our teacher shook them on a board like an earthquake.

All of  them fell. We had to rebuild them but make changes to improve them. They lasted longer the second time.






Last week we had some visit from some Corban  Estate  Art Centre. They came to teach us how to make 3D paper volcano art.We made volcanoes.

Here is my art.

I like that we could be curative when  making our volcano so we could add water and other stuff like lave and rods.

Next time  would make a cave and a bigger water source.


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